Please forgive the weakness of this guide, but I've only been to Animal Kingdom once, for about 5 hours.
The newest kingdom is a welcome addition to WDW, and is well done indeed. The landscaping is calming and interesting, and the overall atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. It's home to two of the best attractions in Orlando, and is the best "zoo" I've ever visited. To quote my sister, "...these animals won the lottery". Usually I feel sorry for caged animals, here I felt envious. I wish I was living as well, looking as healthy and happy as Disney's animals.
Navigation can be tricky, as your point of reference is The Tree Of Life, and it looks the same from every side, on those rare instances when it is actually visible. Bring a map; you'll need it - if only to dodge Camp Minnie and Mickey.


This is where the Big Ass Tree is, and it is the hub of all the attractions, much like the castle in the Magic Kingdom. Unlike the castle, however, there's an attraction inside, and it's a knockout.

THE TREE OF LIFE Justifiably famous, this massive fake tree is so rich in eye candy that it is nearly stupefying. The carvings are superb and imaginative. The only drawback here is that it causes people in line for the attraction to stare up instead of look forward, resulting in sloppy line movement and stubbed toes. Inside the tree is a wonderful 3D & effects movie...

IT'S TOUGH TO BE A BUG Using much of the same trickery that made Honey, I Shrunk The Audience so much fun, this 3D movie and stage effects presentation has the added attraction of much better writing and comic timing, and the chance to see the phenomenal Pixar animation in stunning 3D. The waiting area is The Tree Of Life, and the lobby is under the tree, among the tangled roots and glowing mushrooms. An absolute hit on all counts: smart, funny, amazing, educational, repeatable.

SAFARI VILLAGE TRAILS There's a nature trail in every "land", and they're all swell. Disney has done a fine job of making a nice habitat for the animals that allows you to see them behaving more naturally than you might in a zoo. This one is mostly cuddly furries and water fowl.



As noted above, something you probably want to avoid. I have. So, what gives me the right to pass judgment on attractions I've never visited? Well, look at the names for crying out loud: Festival Of The Lion King. Pocahontas And Her Forest Friends. Maybe I'm wrong and these aren't shows with people in baggy costumes, but I'm not taking any chances.


A great ride, Giant Fruit Bats, Kimodo Dragons, and excellent landscaping. Gosh, I don't know what else to say; what else could you want?

KALI RIVER RAPIDS A common enough rapids ride as seen in many other amusement parks. Benefits from Disney quality of design and scale. Decent fun, and genuinely refreshing on a hot day!

MAHARESH JUNGLE ADVENTURE Another nature trail, and a fine one it is too. The Giant Bats are amazing, as Letterman might say. Even if you didn't see animals, the incredible detail of the mud would keep you fascinated. I mean, they put bicycle tires and bird footprints in the pavement, and it looks real, yet isn't muddy or slippery. But I digress; you WILL see big animals and they won't be diseased, depressed and covered in their own feces, as one expects at city zoos..

FLIGHTS OF WONDER Performing birds don't interest me much. Being a captive audience presentation, I didn't dare go in; I don't think I ever will. I don't know what "tricks" birds might perform, but I'm going out on a limb (ha ha) and guessing they carry thing in their mouths, make screeching noises that resemble language, and jump through hoops for snacks. You know, just like half their audience.



Criminy, with all the "attractions" in this park, you'd think it was actual size! It's not - most of the things listed below are about the size of a Yugo...
This is the home of The Best Ride In WDW, or maybe not - I understand it's being "softened" for general audiences. A crime. More on that in a bit.

THE BONEYARD Dinosaur bone activity center won't make any headlines or change any lives. Of interest if you've never seen a dinosaur skeleton, which of course means you are from Mars.

CRETACEUS TRAIL I like plants as much as the next guy, maybe more, but not enough to take this Fern walk. So I shouldn't judge, maybe it's wonderful. Perhaps it did not appeal because it is so close to Countdown To Extinction, which pumps you up.

COUNTDOWN TO EXTINCTION THE BEST RIDE IN WDW! Maybe even in Orlando. A combination dark ride and motion simulator, it takes you through an extremely convincing recreation of primeval Earth. The motion effects are 100% convincing, and the violent, charging Carnosaurus scared the living daylights out of me, even on the third ride. These are not typical Disney dinosaurs; the first big one you see is swallowing another struggling lizard whole. Asteroid fragments rush past your head and leave smoking craters in the ground. I could go on and on - and never do it justice. Seems to be planned to tie in to Disney's Dinosaur film of Summer 2000, as they both use the Carnosaurus and Iguanadon as antagonist and protagonist, respectively.
DANGER: I have recently been informed that Disney will modify the ride to make it less exciting and scary, so kids can go. What a swell idea, as we all know there is practically nothing for kids to do at WDW. Maybe next they'll put some of those pretty dolls from Small World in here, and I think a nice upbeat song would be in order. I would suggest the theme from (name of current disney summer release here).
Disney. They build 5 crappy attractions in as many years, and proudly advertise them; they take the best ride in Orlando, never promote it, and then water it down. I repeat: There Is Something Horribly Wrong At The Disney Dream Factory.
It is probably being done because their upcoming "Dinosaur" film is aimed at children.

FOSSIL PREPARATION LAB Another live, hands-on presentation. Educational I'm sure, but another thing I've passed on. I'll be damned if I'm going to learn anything while I'm on vacation!

TARZAN ROCKS Oh, I bet he does. For generations, Tarzan has been the very embodiment of pop music; how many of us grew up listening to Edgar Rice Burroughs on the moog synthesizer? It's good to see Tarzan finally get the recognition he deserves as one of this country's finest rock-n-rollers!

DINOSAUR JUBILEE I don't know what the heck this is; I noticed it in the promotional brochures. It sure sounds like Cajun food, but Disney's text suggests it's a store. I won't pass judgment until I go in there on a later visit.



Sorry, I didn't do much of this either. Guess I'll have to go back.

KILMANJARO SAFARIS I didn't risk it, as it surely is a captive audience attraction. I know I missed some wonderful sleeping animals, but they're not going anywhere. I figured I could go on Countdown 7 times in the same amount of time it would take to do the Safari once. Guess which attraction won?

PANGANI FOREST A wonderful trail that takes you to the Gorilla habitat, one of the highlights of the animal features. This is really the only thing I did in Africa, and it was wonderful. Gee. I have nothing sarcastic to say about it.

CONSERVATION STATIONMore interactive educational stuff, neither good nor bad; simply exists. I took a pass on it, so maybe I missed something. I know you're tired of reading this, but next visit I'll flesh this report out a bit.



There aren't any. It's full of animals, you know.


Didn't see one. Don't know if there is one.


This guide just keeps getting lamer, doesn't it? Don't worry only this section is crippled, I've only been to AK once. I didn't eat at any of the tempting restaurants in AK, but certainly plan to. The menus are swell. I will however review the Rainforest Cafe since I've been to two of those before...

RAINFOREST CAFE Chuck E Cheese for adults. The settings is kitschy but endearing, a rainforest canopy with audio animatronic animals and fake thunder and lightning. What charm the place has is severely damaged by lousy service, mediocre food, and horrible overcrowding. Worth one visit, I'd say.


General Info

Magic Kingdom


Animal Kingdom
